Friday, November 19, 2010


How awesome is our 60 second commercial? Extremely awesome!

A. What specific contributions did YOU make to your team's production of your video?

For the production of the video, I worked as the voiceover throughout the video.  Along with this, I helped to revise my side of the script a tad -- but that was all I really did.  I threw out a few suggestions but the work I did was only a fraction of the team's combined effort.

B. What grade do you feel YOU earned for your work and participation in your team's video?

I might not have done all the video editing, nor have an onscreen role, but I did have my voice recorded (sometimes having to do multiple takes).  For the part I was required to do, I think I did very well and deserve a good grade; B+/A.

C. What was the hardest aspect of making your video?

Honestly, there wasn't really any hard aspects (at least from my standpoint).  But the more time consuming aspect was probably doing multiple takes for lines and getting good locations for the video.  I'm not sure how the editing process went, but if it was as smooth as everything else, I'm sure the only "hard" aspect of the video was taking the time to film.

D. Other than finishing the VIDEO, what was the most rewarding aspect of making your video?

Probably being a voice actor (haha)! It was very fun being able to lend my voice to the video and watching everything play out.  But, really, the most rewarding aspect had to be seeing the final product of the group's work -- seeing everything play out and watching everyones work come to fruition was just fantastic.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Courtesy of YouTube

Ok, where to start.  Well besides feeding conspiricy theories, spawning parodies and driving people paranoid, this film proved to be very entertaining.  The initial moments of the film focus on the character of Trinity, portrayed by Carrie-Anne Moss, escaping "Agents", one of whom is portrayed by the fantastic Hugo Weaving.  The action-packed opening ends with a truck going through a public telephone booth.  If you want to understand, then you're going to have to "Jack In" to the movie.  Anyway, after an interesting club sequence, we are taken to cubicle scene where Mr. Anderson, AKA NEO (portrayed by Keanu Reeves), is himself escaping the Agents... only to leave in their custody later.  It's frustrating, but understandable.  

I don't want to spoil anything more, even though the movie has been out for a while, as this is a movie you really have to see.  This movie really set the bar when it comes to action and story -- to the point where practically everyone has seen it, perhaps more than once.  It also brings up important philisophical questions.  Is ignorance bliss? Are we in a perverbial matrix? What is real? What can we define as real?

What is the Matrix?

While this makes for an interesting conversation starter at the punch bowl, it is just a film.  A film asking the same questions we've already been asked in the past.  The answer is not the same for everyone.  Some like to believe that we are under control, we are supervised, we are grown.  Some of us are surrealists.  Some of us aren't.  Overall, it's an entertaining film.

If you haven't seen it yet, then get out from under your rock -- take the red pill.


Eli Roth's fake trailer for Grindhouse

Apparently, with the success of Machete in theatres, Eli Roth is now making his fake movie Thanksgiving into a film.  Based in Plymouth, MA (my home state), this slasher seems to parody all of the classic horror stereotypes rather well.  When it comes to theatres, I might pick it up.

But they need to do Werewolf Women of the S.S. too!

Directed by Rob Zombie

Nic Cage as Fu Manchu, oh yes.


On an unrelated note, inspired by the first video at the top, I found this little gem on youtube as well...